Tuesday, August 19, 2008

colours of people....

colours...wht is the first thing that comes to ur mind?idioms have a separate categoryfor colours...so i dont wanna bore u wid those deatils..have u ever tried to associate ppls personalities wid colours?say black wht do u think the colour relates to...umm let me help out..black can be associated to mysterious...dark secrets...deep in thoughts...psychic powers...then still waters,elegant on the postive side,introvert kind(not neccesarily) ....so on...any more suggestions..for the colour black?lets try the same wid white,green,blue,red...hey let loose ur imagination..try this out this is fun..


Kamal said...

i love green and red...whats u'r take on me ????

Priyanka Agrawalla said...

a different article indeed PRP...

well.. i dont have a particular crush on specific colours but fav among them is blue(sky blue),white and red...to me blue is cool, expressive; white is peace...where u can look into white wall or space n feel peace filling in ur mind; n red brightens our mood..