Wednesday, September 13, 2017

God, you are the most ruthless manager I know

If, I had read the title of this blog, few months ago, I would have been shocked and probably a few close friends and family would have been surprised. I would have thought ten times before penning the words down. I would have been scared of the wrath this mere action will bring. I have a very concrete reason to believe in what I am about to pen down. A few months back, I was a soul who genuinely, believed that prayers are the solution to everything. Prayers can lift you from the deepest misery. If you believed in the almighty, you can name them however you want, they will rescue you. But today, I feel I have genuinely hit rock bottom. I sincerely wonder, if you do exist.
If you do, I think I have finally come to the conclusion. You are unfair. You are extremely heartless.
You are perceived to be the ultimate controller. You are supposed to be the playwright. You power over time, control what happens every millionth of the second.You decide who gets what. You decide who survives and who doesn't. I will say this though, when I was bestowed with your blessings, a good life, a wonderful circle of family and friends, I didn't complaint. I never bothered to question the unfairness meted out to my fellow human beings. I happily devoured every piece of your blessing. I did believe, if I had 10 Mercedes, I should think about the poor kid who is starving in some other part of the world before buying the 11th. I was grateful for being born in a family which provided me with everything to the best of their ability to help me reach my potential. With every difficulty, I did utter a silent prayer saying, thank god I am not one of those millions fleeing their countries to just survive, breathe in a greener pasture. But, I don't feel that anymore. Yes, there are tons of people who might look at me and say, you are way more blessed then us. I unashamedly agree with you.

God, you are asked to manage all the resources at your disposal. You are asked to distribute it among the poor souls on the beautiful earth you created. I think that you have been the meanest manager I have come to know. If you are the most benevolent of all, why did you decide to bestow sufferings on completely innocent people. They say you work in mysterious ways. You make sure everyone gets what they deserve. I am not sure that is true anymore. I do't believe everyone is equal under your eyes. I remember reading, if everyone got everything they wanted, we would forget you altogether.
My question to you is, do you really thrive on this? The amount of injustice in this world appalls me. The measure of inequalities repels me. I think I have finally come to understand, why I was put on this earth. I was supposed to help others in some way possible. And trust me, my toe was out of the line before. You taught me a valuable lesson. Bravo! I wonder if everyone in your created world gets the same lesson. I don't see people from whom you so mercilessly take, get better things. I unashamedly received your blessings. I will not deny that. So, I have decided that I will stop asking anything from you anymore. Not a word. What I will do is, try in any small way possible, try to even out the injustice you decided to ignore. I will give this to you. You are an amazing playwright. Your sense of humor is absolutely wicked and classy at the same time. You want to eradicate egoism in the world. Don't you? But I am not sure, you set up a really good role model to us inferiors. I staunchly believe not everyone is equal in your eyes. I am struggling to come to terms to still believe in benevolence. I know for a fact that people are inherently selfish. I am still willing to help out. Ironically, I still believe in humanity. I believe people will see the truth under the right circumstances. But till then, you carry on with your works. If you want to punish me for saying these things, and show me I deserve a lesson, so be it. I am willing to get reprimanded. But, trust me I am not going to believe in you. Not anymore. And Karma, oh you will get a new post.